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 01/02/2014    TO    31/07/2014




The report demonstrates the performance of the Ministry in the past six months (Feb – July 2014) addressed to the Prime Minister’s Office of the Federal Government. The report entails the following areas;

  1. Introduction chapter
  2. Achievements
  3. Challenges

It is worth mentioning, first and foremost, the achievements that have been made in the strategy of the Ministry.

The scope and goals of the Ministry are written as follows;


Modern infrastructure for Public service, Social welfare and Economic development


Supporting government policy in improving the living standards of the people and the management of public fixed assets through employment of new policies, modern equipment and highly skilled employee.

  • Strategy 1 (S1 – Obj1) Indicator 1:
Completed Ministry’s structure
  • Strategy   1 (S1 – Obj1) Indicator 3:
It’s been put together a draft document over the admistration and operational directives for the employees
  • Strategy   1 (S1 – Obj1) indicator 4:
It’s been completed the evaluation of the employees standards
  • Strategy   1 (S1 – Obj1) Indicator 7:
It’s been developed the website of the Ministy and its related networking system.
  • Strategy 2-Obj1-A1
Codes have been put in place over the operations to counter conflict of interest in the finance, administration, employees and the changes that might occur in the administrational policies.
  • Strategy 2-Obj1-A2
It’s been implemented financial management procedures in accordances with the Ministry of Finances’ regulations
  • Strategy 2-Obj1-A3
Initial establishment has been made over the procurement, administration and scrutiny systems
  • Strategy 2-Obj1-A4
Risk Management Policy has been put in place and implemented within the Ministry
  • Strategy 2-Obj1-A5
Initial Information Dissemination System within the Ministry has been developed
  • Strategy 3-Obj1-A1
Situational analysis and data collection has been made for the foundation of internal systems and procedures
  • Strategy 3-Obj1-A2
National Highway Department has been established
  • Strategy 3-Obj1-A3
Work is in progress over the establishment of the National Housing and Resettlement Directorate and its structure. The criteria for selection and procedures of the committee members and its source of funding are underway. This includes the repatriation, back home, of the Somali refugees outside the country, their housing and resettlement.
  • Strategy 3-Obj1-A4
It’s been established the National Highways Commission: a team of engineers are organized together with their operational plans. This team is now in process of creating a conducive environment for achieving their development goals and are preparing a national plan in its endeavor.
  • Strategy 3-Obj1-A5
The National Housing Commission has been established: This commission has not yet started its operations because of sub standard employees and the lack of experts.
  • Strategy 5-Obj1):A1












  • Strategy 5-Obj1):-A2
It’s been set up a co-operational system between the Ministry and the donors. The Ministry has approached international institutions for the re-invigoration of it’s operational plans. This has paved the way for the cooperation between the donors and the Ministry with hope of commencing several projects such as World Bank with whom we have made assessments for the roads in the capital which we will be working on together.Also, the Ministry and UNOPS are working together on plans for the roads linking the capital to the other regions of the country.Likewise, a study is underway with government of China for the construction of a new sea port along the Ceel Macaan corridor. (just outside the capital to the North)

Construction agreements have been reached for six ministries.Following a request from the below mentioned five ministries, the Ministry has succeeded in making evaluations and bill of quantities:

  • Ministry of Public Works and Reconstruction
  • Ministry of Finance
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Ministry of Agriculture
  • Ministry of Fishing
  • Ministry of Higher Education and Culture


Similarly, the Ministry has made an overall evaluation for the construction of anther eighteen ministries and the National Defense Force Headquarters. This is with exception of two out of the twenty three ministries; Ministry of Religious Affairs and the Ministry of National Security headquarters which did not have headquarters of their own earlier. 


It is a great honor for me as the minister of Public Works and Reconstruction to present to you the 1st Bi-annual report of the Federal Ministry of Public works and Reconstruction.

As we all know the ministry has been moribund for the duration of the civil war in Somalia a period of close to 23 years. As one of the most fundamental institutions of a functioning state this period of sustained civil strife has had a particularly adverse effect on the operations of this ministry. Although the ministry has started operating again the political, social and security environment the ministry operates in is still not conducive for it to successfully carry out its mandate on a consistent basis.

A particularly adverse effect of the lack of institutional knowledge development over the past 23 years is the dire human and institutional capacity conditions that the ministry is faced with. Although these challenges are myriad this ministry is dedicated to the systematic overcoming of the present shortcomings in concert with other ministries, public institutions and well meaning donor institutions.

A first step towards this vision was the development of the 2014 ministry strategic plan, to that end here is the first bi-annual report that chronicles the major steps the ministry has taken towards fulfillment of its strategic goals and objectives that it set out for itself at the beginning of the year, although due to the broad conditions the ministry faces a portion of the strategic goals where not reached, we feel we are on the right track and through mutual cooperation with other stakeholders we will reach our expressed goal of a ministry that is capable of supporting the broader momentum towards a socially reconciled and economically developing Somali nation.

H.E  Eng. Salah Shiek Osman Muse

Minister for Public Works & Reconstruction.

  1. Review of Ministry Terms of Reference

After a thorough process of review involving public intellectuals, sector experts and the ministries civil servants the TOR of the ministry was clarified and the resulting document was endorsed at a full meeting of the cabinet.

We took this measure as an active step towards the clarification of the mandate of this ministry to avoid the previous situation that had lead to functional ambiguities which often translated to other ministries and development partners performing the core functions of the ministry either through ignorance or willful disregard of protocol.

2.1.1.            Laws, Responsibilities and the Structure of the Ministry

The review which has been made on the laws of the ministry of public works, its responsibilities and structure have been included in “Article 19, Decree-Law No. 1 of 7 february 1965. p. 7 Amendments to Law No. 14 of 3 june 1962 on the “Organasation of the Goverment” which clearly explains our sets out and illustrates our duties and likewise Law No. 14 of 3 june 1962, Decree-Law No. 1 of 7 february 1965 which again clearly asserts the responsibilities of this .

2.1.2.            Laws, Responsibilities and the Structure of the Ministry

We hereby introduce some of the lawful examples which clearly explain the responsibilities of the Ministry of Public Works and Reconstruction as follows:

1-            Every construction work in relation to the government {The economic infrastructure such as: the Roads, Seaports, Airports, Government institutions Headquarters, Bridges, government Officials’ houses, Hospitals, Schools, Sports Stadiums and any other important construction belonging to either the government or its parastatal institutions} falls under the responsibility of this ministry.

2-         Setting up Town Planning and the formulation of the construction laws.

{The Municipalities Administrations request from this ministry of any General Town Planning or parts of a town, and likewise those local authorities may put forward their request for a specific area for development to be planned whenever the need arises of any town expansion or the creation of new residential areas.}

3-         Urban Planing.

{It’s the responsibility of the Ministry of Public Works to safe-guard and protect against any violations or alterations to the General Town plans and the town expansions requested by the municipalities administrations and earlier endorsed by the General National Commission on the Town Planning.}

4-         Archives Management.

{The Ministry of Public Works will always keep in its archives the Original Copies of all towns plans in the country, while some other copies will be distributed to the local municipalities throughout the country for them to govern their land issues}

2.2.          The Structure of the Ministry

An important and a milestone achievement by the Ministry of Public Works and Reconstruction is the creation of its Administration Structure as shown below in this organogram.

One of the implemented strategy is the preparation of Indicator 1 of Strategy # 1 (S1 – Obj1)

Click To View in FULL SIZE

The Ministry of Public Works and Reconstruction’s aim is to: Develop Roads Network in a modern way with an initial focus of rehabilitating the existing ones, similarly the bridges and the water dams

   2.3  Collaboration Relation

2.3.1.            Infrastructure

Thus far, it has not been possible for the ministry to do anything about the construction issues and the rehabilitation of the roads infrastructure and their related works. Despite the fact that discussions are on-going, but still it is not easy to undertake any such jobs. As everybody knows, this ministry has a big share in the development of the national economic infrastructure. Therefor, if this ministry is to fulfill its duties effectively and efficiently it needs a partner to work with side-by-side so as to enable us find funds for the opportunities we create. This can only be realized through the establishment of an independent and recognized development institution (Independent Development Trust) which will be working with the ministry. This set up can make this ministry a self-sufficient institution in the near future. The future sustainability of the Ministry can make us an institution that can properly police the construction laws and at the same time fully engage in the development of the economic infrastructure of the country. [Please Explain this Policy].

2.3.2.           Construction

The Ministry intends to promote the development of The Construction Industry by creating and enforcing a new licencing regime for companies and institutions involved in the construction business.

This would also make possible the categorization of these companies according to their respective financial and engineering capacities and specializations. The Ministry is currently undertaking the formulation of the evaluation framework to be used in company registration.

2.3.3.       Conditions for the Administration of Buildings

The ministry has started to plan and prepare the conditions for the building Regulations which would persistently be updated periodically, so as to keep up with international standards.

2.3.4.     The Ministry and the Environment

This Ministry will always remain environmentally sound in all of its construction activities throughout the country and will always be respecting and safe-guarding all international norms for the protection of the environment.

  1. The Role of the Ministry in the development of the Economy

The Ministry plays an important role in the construction of the economical infrastructure of the Federal Republic of Somalia. The ministry likewise takes a vital role in the development of the people’s economy by efficiently fulfilling its duties and mandate. By effectively controlling the fixed assets of the government according to the Law No. 14 of 3 june 1962, Decree-Law No. 1 of 7 February 1965, which strengthens the role of the ministry, we secure and make fruitful the following issues.

  1. Economic improvement through the development of the economic infrastructure.
  2.  The growth of the private construction sector which the enables
  3. Jobs creation through the formation of opportunities by the ministry’s encouragement in their investment

After having reviewed the above mentioned possibilities, the ministry hereby declares a deficiency in its staff knowledge, capabilities and know-how. Therefore, unless this issue is addressed and a serious capacity-building is made for its staff, the ministry will be limping and subsequently the expectations of our people will not be met.

This will also be affecting the different projects which otherwise the ministry would have been able to fulfill for a brighter economical recovery for the country as a whole.

  4.Checking and Registering the Fixed Assets


The achievements which the Ministry has made during the past Six months include:

ü  Recounting the fixed assets of the Ministry of Public Works and Reconstruction

ü  The Ministry has registered those fixed assets with the focus of their current situation in terms of their physical status and the surrounding issues where each asset is found

ü  It has been ascertained that the buildings of the Ministry are being occupied by internally displaced people. A solution for this problem would be based on the resettlement of those internally displaced people in vacating them for the ministry’s use in the future

ü  The Ministry has likewise made an assessment and a preliminary evaluation for most of the other ministries buildings and their current situation and a report has been made and registered

ü  The Ministry has classified those buildings into two categories, some which can be rehabilitated and others which need a total demolition and a reconstruction from zero and all have been registered accordingly.

It is also clear that the registration of all public fixed assets nation-wide is of paramount importance, while this registration will be clarifying all necessary information in regard to:

ü  That the fixed asset is checked first of its existence and squared by the Ministry of Public Works and Reconstruction

ü  That the fixed asset is complete (noting is missing) and squared by the Ministry of Public Works and Reconstruction

ü  That a design and a plan to be made ready for those fixed assets, also squared by the Ministry of Public Works and Reconstruction

ü  That the fixed asset is evaluated by the Ministry of Public Works and Reconstruction

ü  That a rental value be given to those fixed assets,where applicable, and also squared by the Ministry of Public Works and Reconstruction

ü  That the fixed asset is rehabilitated before being rented out.

ü  That the fixed asset is rented after it has been evaluated

ü  That the fixed asset is made clear to the public that it belongs to the national government

ü  That the fixed asset is exposed to the public through the different media outlets.

Those above mentioned issues demonstrate how necessary it is that the department of the Public Works operates at a National Level when making the registration of the National and Public Fixed Assets. The department in charge of this operation is the National Department of Public Works. This department should have officials responsible, in particular, of the registration of the fixed assets from Regional to the National Level.

On the other hand, it is clear that all of the government buildings, with the exception of few, are in total ruins and it is a huge task which awaits this Ministry. The Ministry is fully aware that its responsibilities are far reaching to the extent of making those public buildings useful where people can work from, functional buildings. That it has been made sure that those institutions using those facilities are working in a safe and appropriate working places. Therefor, it is the mandate of this Ministry to look after the government assets, so as to make them useful places which have been checked from every side and angle.


A framework of application of good governance principles is the basis for making strides towards sustainable development and national economical growth. This Ministry is committed to Good Governance, whether it is in relation to its employees or its external customers. As clearly illustrated in the organogram of the Ministry, each department has developed its TOR and specific training has been given to its currently available employees in support of fulfillment of department job descriptions and expected outcomes.

We periodically offer training courses to our employees at different levels. We also have created internal regulations governing our administration.

Our dedication to Good Governance will be based on those regulations which represent:

  • Protecting all rights of the individual
  • Respecting work regulations and job procedures
  • Procurement policies and procedures are followed completely
  • To avoid anything that can lead to the emergence of a Conflict of Interest


 6.Other Achievements of the Ministry

The other achievements of the Ministry during the past six months include;

  •  Complete assessment of several projects have been undertaken
  •   Preliminary report has been prepared on some assessed projects
  •   Office works which have been implemented
  •   Conducted several workshops and ministry employees training

6.1.    The Projects which have been Assessed Completely

So far, the Ministry has prepared a preliminary assessment of some projects which have been designed and their bills of quantity made ready as shown below which include:

  1. The design of the Headquarters of the Ministry of Public Works and Reconstruction
  2. The design of the Management Institute for the Government Employees, ex SIDAM
  3. A psychiatric Hospital to be built within the former Forlanini Hospital

6.2.    The Assessed Projects where Preliminary Reports were Made

In collaboration with the Ministry of Public Works and Housing of the Government of Iraq, the Federal Government of Somalia Ministry of Public Works and Reconstuction has prepared and introduced five other projects which are as follows:

  1. The Ministry of Finance
  2. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  3. The Ministry of Agriculture
  4. The Ministry of Fishing
  5. The Ministry of Higher Education and Culture

6.3.    Implemented Office Works

  • Preparation of Strategy for the Ministry in the year 2014 and training of our employees in the implementation of this strategy.
  • Preparation of the Budget for the Ministry in the year 2014.
  • Capacity building for the employees of the Ministry, so that they can fulfill their roles & responsibilities.
  • Working on issues related to the laws and proceedures governing the registration of Engineering and Construction companies.
  • The convening of a meeting over the administrative proceedures for the senior officials of the Ministry.
  • Developing on behalf of the Minister the Post emergency Taskforce (still ongoing).
  • The appointment of a qualified person for the preparation of the operational plan for the Ministry.
  • The appointment of a qualified person in charge of such issues as the New Deal Compact for Somalia.
  • The Ministry has appointed a person to participate in the meetings of the PSG4 (Peace and Stability Goals 4: Economic Foundations).

Proposed Ministry of Public Works & Reconstruction Headquarters


Proposed Ministry of Interior  Headquarters


Proposed Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources Headquarters


Proposed  Ministry of Finance Branch in H/Weyne District


Proposed  Ministry of Foreign Affairs Headquarter



FGS- Proposed Foreign Service Training Center

Proposed  National Institute For Management (ex SIDAM)

Proposed Forlanini Mental Health Hospital

Proposed Regional Center of Peoples’ House